- Ben & Jed
TV Show - Legacies (2018)
English Subtitle Available

Jed and Ben met in 4x07 when Jed, and his friend Kaleb, stumbled across a heavily mutilated corpse in the forest while on the hunt for an Argus. By the time they had managed to kill the Argus, night had fallen and they returned to where the found the corpse in order to bury it; only to be shocked to find it standing up and trying to put itself back together again. The next the audience sees them is in 4x09, as Jed crawls across the road to the body of the unknown man whom has healed considerably since his first appearance, with a burning car behind them. Jed says it's good the man has eyes now, but still no tongue and cannot tell him who he is. Kaleb interrupts by approaching from behind and breathes fire over the unknown man while Jed ducks out the way.
At some point off screen, Jed is able to save the unknown man from Kaleb. He brings him back to the Salvatore Boarding School for help, and insists on staying with the unknown man while the others go out to find Kaleb. When another of his friends, Ethan, also suddenly tries to kill the man, Jed once again protects him but ends up badly hurt in the process. By the end of the episode, Jed is lying in recovery when he's woken by commotion in the next room, he calls out for help as a man walks out unwinding bandages from his neck and face, but falls silent when he sees the man's face for the first time.
By the end of the episode, Jed is lying in recovery when he's woken by commotion in the next room, he calls out for help as a man walks out unwinding bandages from his neck and face, but falls silent when he sees the man's face for the first time.

I love this story!!!! I love how they manage to make it happen so natural, fun and exciting at the same time 😍
thanks for all your work!!!!!😊